International MT. Everest Day 2021
June 6, 2021 Uncategorized 0 Comments

Press Release – Everest Day to be officially recognized in NY State


NY State Assemblywoman Jeniffer Rajkumar vows to introduce Mount Everest day on the floor of the NY State Assembly next year.
US Nepal Climbers Association - May 29th, 2021 NY State Assemblywoman Jennifer Rajkumar recognized Mount Everest Day and brought forth a resolution. May 29 is now officially recognized and celebrated as Mount Everest Day throughout NY State.
The event was held in the Rigzin Chhokorling Hall of the Sherpa Kyidug. This event was done in coordination with the United Sherpa Association Inc. (USA) and the US Nepal Climbers Association Inc.(USNCA). Butter lamps were lit in honor of those who have passed away climbing Mount Everest, and those who have suffered due to COVID-19. Assemblywoman Rajkumar also invited the association to celebrate the day in the Albany assembly next year. She personally honored USNCA president Passang Nima Sherpa with a citation for his work and achievements.
USNCA president, Passang Nima Sherpa, gave thanks to Assemblywoman Rajkumar and the NY State Assembly for recognizing this day. He expressed his gratitude to those who supported this climbers community and this resolution. USA president, Tshering Sherpa, explained May 29 is internationally recognized as Mt. Everest Day and how it cannot be replaced with any other day,
Honorable guests such as GPK Foundation American Chapter's President Somnath Ghimire, Deputy Governor of Rotary Club of New York, Nabaraj KC, and former Chief of staff of Council district 25, Carolyn Tran, were also present. They spoke in support of the resolution and praised the bravery of the mountain climbers who attempt and succeed in impossible feats.
Speakers also included FIPNA's founding president, Mr. Karma G. Sherpa, USNCA founding president, Kipa Sherpa, previous USA president, Urgen Sherpa, and Sherpa Sang America president, Ang Jangbu Sherpa.
On this day in 1953, Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Sir Edmund Hillary first stepped on Mount Everest. The importance of this day cannot be understated as Mount Everest is very important to Nepalis everywhere, it is one of the key-defining landmarks of Nepal. This day honors Everest mountain climbers around the world, it celebrates the feats they can and have achieved since 1953. The US Nepal Climbers Association has been celebrating this day for 8 years. The Association is a non-profit organization that promotes the growth and protection of mountaineering and climbing worldwide, advances safe and ethical mountain practices, and promotes responsible access, culture, and environmental protection. The Association has been funding education for children of climbers who have passed away and supports different climbing societies by providing climbing-related equipment for those who need it.
The Kyidug and USNCA received congratulatory messages from numerous organizations and associations.
